
Kenneth J, Bishop​

Greetings, my name is Ken Bishop I was born March 25, 1963 in west Palm Beach Florida. I have two brothers and a younger sister. We didn’t get much in the way of Christmas presents growing up in the neighborhood I grew up in. So, this is what I accredited to the development of a creative mind. It was free. I believe what fascinated me about horror is that, I was always afraid. Afraid of my own shadow. Strangely enough though, like a candle fly is drawn to the flame, so was I, to my fears. There was something about coming right up to the line of my terror, without breaching. I decided that I would make up stories of things that scared me the most, (there was no shortage of them) and write them down on scrap paper, then with a little embellishing, it began to take shape of a story. Even when I wrote about my fears, I was scared. (Laughs). I remember friends reading that single piece of scrap paper so intently, and then they would flip the paper over and ask, “Where’s the rest?”

I was privy to the greats. Even though my primary interest and motivation came from Stephen King.  As a youth I was only interested in mystery, suspense or horror. Ray Bradbury, Alfred Hitchcock, Rod Serling and even the great Vincent Price, just to name a few pioneers of the early macabre.  I feel that they all catapulted me forward to the Koontz, Anne Rice and King era. Without any intention of arrogance, I feel that I may have found my calling. I certainly hope so. In closing I would like to say for those who have told me that they found themselves moving to a part of the room with just a little more illumination while reading my book, I say that this journey is just beginning.  Thanx for allowing me to scare you, Standby.